Monday 16 February 2015


The Womb is the gateway where spirit meets matter. 

The valley spirit is not dead:
They say it is the mystic female.
Her gateway is, they further say,
The base of earth and heaven.

Constantly, and so forever,
Use her without labor.

There is a spirit that haunts the valleys that mystics know. It has the female characteristic of preferring to withdraw. It is like a gateway through which man attains heaven; and heaven reaches man when he is receptive to its nature and open to its influence.'' /Lao Tzu 'Way of LIfe'/

When the Man or Woman become aroused they are reaching, yearning to enter heaven. When a Man wants to place his body inside the body of a Woman he wants to enter the kingdom of heaven. The Woman holds the Womb, the kingdom of heaven literally in her body. Is this the only way the Man can access the kingdom of heaven, we may ask? No. If vigilantly practiced and shown to him, this kingdom can be found also within the Man himself. No Man lacks this kingdom within him, but many kingdoms lie dormant in a Man. The same way a Woman's own Womb can lie dormant. Even though she holds this kingdom very viscerally inside herself she can be disconnected to it. She can not know her Kingdom as it lies asleep. Therefore, often it is the act of Sex that awakens and connects the Woman to her kingdom and awakens the Man to his attainment of heaven. Many don't know another way but Sex to attain this heaven. So through the act of Sex we come into our bodies and take ownership of our kingdoms of heaven, we embody ourselves. Embodiment is the act of connecting up, the meeting place, the confluence of matter and spirit. We ground, we anchor the spirit into the cells of our bodies. 

''It is like a gateway through which man attains heaven; and heaven reaches man when he is receptive to its nature and open to its influence.''   

Heaven is attained only when the Man (meaning both woman and man) is receptive to the nature and influence of heaven's impact. If Man fears heaven's impact and is dictated by this fear, heaven cannot be reached nor can the benefits, wealth of such place or encounter be mined. No matter how close you get to heaven if fear keeps you from surrendering to it's influence you will have not received heaven's gifts. 

Heaven awaits us, but do we dare enter it? Are we ready to be influenced by it's nature? Or rather, do we dare to claim this heaven, this kingdom that lies within us?

And, do we appreciate, have we honored, paid our respects to those that have helped us connect with this kingdom within us?

Most importantly, we are the butlers of our own kingdoms as well as the Kings and Queens. Woman, connect to your Womb and kingdom, know it, feel it! Honor that which lies within you and be vigilant about whom you allow near and into your kingdom. Man, honor that which lies within you and do not use Woman as only source for that which you hold inside yourself. Instead, allow the woman to guide you back to yourself.

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