Wednesday 11 February 2015


Human, I want to tell you this and please listen.
I have seen humans beat each other to blood
kick the life out of one another just because of their sexual orientation.
I have also seen loved ones lie to each other's faces
hide truths that would bring about freedom and growth.
I have also seen so much transformation and healing take place,
I cannot put into words how moved I am by some of the choices humans have taken, great, wise choices. Choices of emancipation!
Yet there is still so much pain, so much fear among us humans on this planet. So much suffering. Look around. But Human, there is a lot of joy to be had here on this planet! We must let go of this suffering. Each and every single one of us needs to let go of the burden of suffering, the damage needs to be healed.
Human, go out and speak your truth! Be who you are. Find out who you are and be it. Dig deep and mine gold! Stop playing small. Don't waste time on mediocre existence if you know you are here to do much greater things. Go and be great! Life is short. Stop letting your fears dictate your life. Stop pushing away people who you feel hurt by but who you want in your life. Tell the people you love you love them. Care for them. Look after their hearts and respect them. Look after yourself. Invest in yourself. Be your own priority, always. Acknowledge what you truly want and live it. Keep this clear knowing in your heart and this state of being will create the life you want. Do not waste time in escapism. Acknowledge those impulses but do not perpetuate them. Learn self-control but know when to give this control up and surrender. Express your emotions, express who you are. Do not suppress, oppress your feelings as that will make you sick. Cry. Be angry. Don't try and escape these feelings or get rid of them by taking control of others. Your body is yours and everything that you feel is your responsibility. Move your body. Live this life! BE HERE! Be awake and see what is presented, given to you in each moment! TAKE LIFE, but use it wisely, but take it. This moment, this experience, this information. Take it and decide what you wish to do with it. Your choice is your freedom. Life will let you waste it if you so desire, that is the nature of life. It will allow us to do what we wish with it, to even destroy it, to forget it, to ignore it or even deny it's presence. But one day it will let you know about it's existence and wake you up. And we all know those knocks are not usually pleasant. So Human, don't waste time. 
Wake up now!

1 comment:

  1.'re already supreme lord of your magicians life'
