Tuesday 31 December 2013


15 minutes ago we were laughing together, there was peace
Suddenly I approached a dark forest
So so dark the forest
I began to feel stuck
A numbness took over that was fueled with frustration and rage
I wanted to blame you for it and push you away
For that dark dark forest I felt
I wanted to shut you out of it
I wanted to escape

I was scared you might not want to go in there with me
With me into this dark dark forest of mine
So dark there
So sad

We were just eating our dinner at the restaurant and looking into each others eyes, there was ease, there was lots of light
A few minutes later, I approached the dark dark forest and you seemed now miles miles away
where are you?
Are you not here with me anymore?
I began to feel anger,
I wanted to kill
I wanted to escape this dark dark forest
I wanted to chop down all the trees.

Are you still here?

I have been running from my dark dark forests
And in times you've led me to them I have not been ready to go in.

Today it happened again
I touched upon the forests
A battle begun in me briefly
I could feel the adrenalin make it's way in.
This time I decided to let go of fighting and running away
I decided to honor this darkness of the forest;
So I said to you:  'I'm scared'
Scared that you may not want to go into my dark forests with me;
Something moved when I acknowledged that to you.
The adrenalin ceased.

By this point I was already entering in.
Soon enough I found myself lying in my dark forest in a field in the dark
A fetus I was
It was so so lonely
I cried and you held me
It felt like you were close by
For the next hour we walked deeper into this forest


We came upon so much of my pain
Such such young tension and grief frozen-up around the muscles of my heart
We shed such such darkness and pain
Whilst you stood right there with me

For the first time I let you inside my dark forests
For the first time I let myself go into my dark dark forests
For the first time I felt safe enough to let go of all protection and not avoid my dark dark forests.

I have been escaping these dark painful forests and this escapism has cost me dearly
No longer do I want to push you away and blame you for the darkness of my forests
Nor do I want to believe anymore that you are not equipped or have no desire to join me
On a walk into my dark dark forests.

It is time I respected these dark dark forests that live in me and visit them and lie in them.

This is a place where my healing takes place
My dark dark forests are where you and I learn to trust
In darkness
And dissolve all our pain.

This new upcoming time is a time of approaching these dark forests
And I wish you all luck with entering these forests and allowing others to be there with you, for you need support.


  1. soooo very very deeply moving...thank u for your truthful words....

  2. Raisa that's so beautiful....I too have felt the sentiments of being scared that another won't want to go into my forest....I haven't got to the point of letting go of the fear yet....but your words give me hope, thank you divine woman xx

  3. Your words speak for me, my forest depths know you are right, I have to make a choice to allow my partner in and also myself. Sometimes it feels so deep that I will never find my way out again and yet I know that is where my peace lies.

  4. Good on You for risking the journey of the dark, dark forest and most of all for the courage to invite those who are important to come with you. And thanks for sharing with the wider community (incl me). x

  5. Thank you for sharing yourself so deeply, thank you for putting into words the pain and the darkness, thank you for letting us walk with you and shed light into our own darkness X

  6. A love poem. Beautifully executed.

  7. Beautiful, thank you. You speak straight to my soul. I recognise the beginning of this journey with my whole being...yet to invite another to support me staying with the fear long enough to venture in is still to come. You have inspired me to feel that possibility. Your sharing is healing. Bless you.
