Thursday 1 August 2013

Dissolving the shackles of money

Let's not use the system of money any longer to control and survive

Let's not rely on money any longer
Let's explore other forms of abundance

Believe that we can live in a world not only governed by money
Believe that we don't need to keep striving and fighting our way
to have bread and butter.
Believe in abundance not lack.

Enough is enough
Not a spoonful more

It is time
That we get our primary needs met without going against our nature
It is time we learn to know and respect what nature truly is -
the nature that our bodies are part of.
It is time that we start believing that who we truly are can be supported by the laws of of the earth.

Our fears of doom, pain and dying
can no longer dominate the earth
enough is enough
we cannot deny and escape feeling nature's vulnerability
we cannot escape it.

Keeping fears at bay by buying protection
Enough is enough
Our fears need to be faced
And we have to sit in the fire if we are to learn how to let go of such fear-driven self-abuse.

It is time to not settle for any form of domination, theft, abuse, deceit, control, manipulation.

Let's not manipulate much longer to stay in comfort.
Let's not use our judgments to control others much longer
getting our needs met by dis-empowering other human beings

enough of telling others how they should be
enough dictating demands
and using anger and aggression to threaten

enough is enough

it's time to sit in the fire
and face our discomfort and fears
it's time to heal the trauma of the effects of current and past power abuse

it is time 
to trust in abundance
not lack.


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