Sunday, 1 February 2015


I want to give children a chance to get that which I never got at school. This is a message to children, youth, parents, teachers, everyone who once went to a school.

When, teaching, I first meet a group of children & youth I want to begin by telling them this:

I love you. I love you all with no exception. You may not believe this as I don't even know you, but the truth is that I don't need to know you to love you. I believe each of you as an incredible and powerful human being and I really wish all the best for you in your life. I want you to grow up being a cool, honest, sincere happy human being. A human that loves themselves and feels safe in the world. I want to help you to become that. I care about you. Why do I care about you?  You and I are very alike, we all are in this life together, we all fear, we all hurt, we all get angry, we all feel the same joys. We all want to be loved and we all don't like being betrayed. I understand your struggles. I want to help you understand that confidence does not lie in how great you do in school, the brilliance of your grades will not guarantee you a good life. It's your attitude to yourself and your circumstances that governs the quality of your life. What you believe about yourself has much more power over you than any teacher, any grade, any success you may ever have. I want to help you find who you really are and I want to help you see that any ideas of what your parents think you are, what your teachers tell you about you or other children have told you about you are to some degree irrelevant. You need to look inside yourself and find out what is there. Each one of you is different and unique. Please don't compare yourselves to others. You are not supposed to be like those others, you have come here to be you! Don't be afraid to be who you are. Life has created you and life wants you, that is why you are here. 

When I was your age I was a very lonely kid, school life was overwhelming, I would get bullied, I was an uncool geek who earned her dose of love and attention by doing her homework thoroughly and studying hard. A teacher's pet. I had very few friends and when it came to navigating, figuring out how social dynamics work I was an alien. I was quite sure that I must have come from a different planet. Kids didn't want to play with me. Until this day I sometimes have a feeling of being unwanted, unneeded and not fun to play with. The reason why I'm sharing this is not to pity my case, no, I am mentioning this because I want you to know that that time of my life had a very strong impact on the rest of my life. What happens for you now, what you are doing now will have a strong impact on the rest of your lives. The things we do to others can really influence their lives. Because of that I want you to really think about how you treat each other. It's very easy to be unkind to each other. It's much easier to say all sorts of rude and horrible things to one another than to care for one another. My challenge for you is to ask you to really think about the motivation behind your actions. Are you motivated by the desire to hurt another because you yourself feel hurt or are you actually trying to help another? What is it that you are feeling and what is that you want? You need to understand this: each one of you is so immensely powerful. You have such a huge impact on each other. Understand this please because it is this understanding, the understanding of the power you hold inside of you, that will make you a strong human being. We have immense power and we have huge impact on this world and others. I want to help you see your power and I want to help you use that power wisely. You can create miracles but you can also create wars. So much lies in your hands. You may think you are powerless, small, unwanted, but actually you are powerful beyond measure and so needed in this world. 

Now that I have said that, let's have fun and put this stuff into practice and action! Let's see now how this stuff actually works in life. Learning should be fun. And if you guys are not having a good time I am probably not doing a good job, either that, or you really don't want to learn. Below is a video of some of the content of my work. I combine physical theatre, drama exercises, therapeutic processes, movement and fun.