Tuesday 6 December 2011

The Terms and Agreements of the Sky

i stopped to look up.

and there was the sky.

i took some photos of the sky
it was so beautiful
so so beautiful.

i don't know what it is
that blows my heart right open.

often i forget all these blissful things that are around me.
i somehow disconnect.
from the skies, from the trees, from all those flying birds.
and when i open my eyes again at the stunning beauty
it feels like i am hit by a force of immense presence.
tears and laughter often come.
i sometimes even greet it as if with a friend i hadn't seen for some time:
'Oh, Hello Sky and Clouds and Light. However did you come to be so beautifully crafted?'

lift your head.
lift your head up to the sky,
and feel what happens.

i took some pictures of the sky.
the sky did not tell me that i wasn't allowed to take pictures of it.
it did not complain and warn me to not put them up on facebook or use them without it's permission, no.
have you read the terms and agreements of the sky?
did you not forget to tag the sky and those trees in your photo?!
when i look at the sky and celebrate it's magnificence i know that i have all the permission and freedom i need to do anything.
some of the most beautiful photos i have taken have been of the sky.

i have taken some beautiful ones of people too,
but with people there's much more hassle.
People's egos seem to be far too fragile when it comes to owning things:
MY photographs, MY idea, MY business, a photo of ME.
we are so concerned about our power being in the hands of others.
some sad things have happened when the ME boundary was crossed and ownership rights were violated.
Suddenly we owe each other apologies for using an image that they were in.

And we self-sabotage unity for a fake idea of security.
it makes me feel sad,
the things that we make and then fight over.

And it pains my heart and my chest area in between my ribs
the things i have felt i owned and fought to not let go of.

I look forward to a world
where people are not afraid of their ideas being stolen.
Where ideas are not private property but energy
that can be distributed and shared with affection
without constant permission.

I look forward to a world where people aren't competing to do the best and only unique thing
but rather know that they are the best for there is no other like them,
therefore they don't need to worry about other people trying to be like them.

I look forward to a day when everyone
has enough and is happy
with the knowledge
that one exists.
One cannot not exist.

I look forward to the day...
This is the day!
Today is the day.

This is the day that i look at the sky and appreciate what it gives me.
the unconditional power.
and learn how it benefits me,
So that i can take this knowledge and live the day that i look forward to